Understanding Spiritual Gifts
Thursday nights 6:30 pm, starting Jan 16th. 7 sessions
Facilitated by Shirley Luce
Most Christians have a desire to find their spiritual gifts and to know what kind of life and mission that God is calling them to. This study allows an individuals and groups to begin to reflect on where their deep desire and the world’s deep need intersects.
This seven-week study helps individuals and small groups to explore spiritual gifts using selected passages from the Bible. Not an exhaustive study of spiritual gifts, the study takes a personal, reflective approach. In addition to completing a self-scored gifts inventory, participants will reflect on their interests, preferences, and talents. As participants read and respond to scripture and participate in small-group sessions, they will be guided to consider prayerfully how God is calling them to use their gifts day by day.
Please RSVP to Shirley smluce@harrisburgumc.org or 704-455-2311
A few workbooks have been ordered, contact Shirley to pick up your copy