News & Events

The Star, Nov. 26th 5 p.m.

Charming and funny, the animated film “The Star” views the story of Jesus’ birth through the eyes of the animals. With quick wit while holding strong to the Biblical storyline, discover new insights to the
courage behind the characters.

Bring  your kids and your kids friends to Harrisburg United Methodist on Nov.  26th, 5 pm. The Popcorn will be ready, and lemonade too.  Bring a blanket or pillow to curl up on the floor (or a chair), as we all join together to begin the journey to Christmas.

Taste of Harrisburg

Thinking of  visiting Harrisburg UMC, if so, we invite you to join us for  Taste of Harrisburg. Sunday, Sept. 10th at 10 am in our fellowship hall.   Taste of Harrisburg is a chance to talk with the pastor, meet church staff,  ask questions, learn more about Harrisburg UMC.   

Questions call 704-455-2311 or email:

Let’s All Go To The Movies

Movies and the Bible

Pastor Fredrick will be using movie clips during our July worship services.  As you review the list of clips, you might wonder how these movies clips could possibly relate to a Sunday sermon.

Movies often connect faith and culture.  Looking past the surface, movies challenge us to be wise interpreters.  Drawing us together through the message, meanings, and influence the film has on our hearts, minds and spirit. This past week Pastor Fredrick used a clip from Shawshank Redemption with a sermon titled: Shield by Peace.  

The character of Andy Dyfresne a quiet, thoughtful, and proud man. Andy refuses to let the dehumanizing atmosphere of Shawshank break his spirit.  During a challenging and uncertain time in his life Andy was endlessly hopeful.  In the clip Andy plays a recording of “Le Nozze Di Figaro” over the loudspeaker, which invited all the prisoners to experience a reminder that they were more than prisoners, regardless of their past transgressions, they remain people.  Andy states “There’s something inside that they can’t get to, that they count touch, it’s yours. Hope.” 

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Movie Schedule

  • July 9th  –As Good As it Gets – Sermon: Love Motivates Change
  • July 16th – Field of Dreams – Sermon: Reconciling with the Father
  • July 23rd – Hoosiers – Sermon: Facing New Challenges with Faith
  • July 30th – Dead Poet Society – Sermon:  Our Verse in Life’ Play

You might want to take some time in July to watch one of these movies or another movie with friends and then discuss the movie. Here’s a few questions to get you started.

  • What was the message of the movie?
  • What choices do the characters make? What motivates them? What were the consequences?
  • How is our attention drawn to particular images? How are particular visual elements used as symbols or metaphors?
  • How did the camera view enhance a particular scene?
  • What theme do you think the director/producer/screenwriter was trying to convey?
  • Are their religious themes or connections? How is faith treated (if at all)?


Fall Homemade Craft Fair

Where: HUMC located at 4560 Hwy 49 in Harrisburg, NC
When: Saturday, Sept 16th, 9am-3pm
Set up will be Friday, Sept 15th, 3pm-8pm
Registration will open on April 1st!
BBQ sale and Bake sale will be happening as well!
Please note: The most significant change this year is that there will be NO TABLES PROVIDED. You will need to provide your own table. Tables MUST fit in the space provided (approx 8ft x 4ft) and can be no bigger than 6ft x 3ft. You WILL be asked to bring a different table if it does not follow these requirements.
To register, you can click the link below or visit us on Facebook at

Special Sunday Breakfast

Sunday Breakfast April 23rd 10 a.m.

Everyone is invited to join us for breakfast during the 10:00 am Sunday School hour on April 23rd.We’ll have activities for children after they eat, devotion, conversation, and fellowship for adults! Please let us know you are joining us at


PO Box 970
4560 Hwy 49 S., Harrisburg, NC 28075
Send Us an Email
(704) 455-2311

©  Harrisburg United Methodist