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Power Steering –Devotions by Pastor Richard

Power Steering

Devotion by Pastor Richard

Last week I was cruising facebook, which can easily lead to very deep frustrations and discouragement with humanity. I did it anyway. Sometimes I just like to see how mean and ignorant people can be without a filter. At times it does drive me to prayer, which is a good thing, but I am sure God has to be more upset at humanity than I am. It is a good thing He is full of grace for us all!

While enjoying my plunge into the depths of human honesty and conviction on facebook, I did run across a meme my uncle has posted. It was a picture of an old car from the sixties and the caption read: “In my day, driving without power steering meant not having to go to the gym!” I thought it was great and so true! Then I thought, how many people under the age of 50 have ever driven a car without power steering? It did remind me of a story…

A few years ago when I served at my Florida church, we had a 55 passenger retired Trailways bus we used for trips. On one of our mission trips to the eastern hills of Kentucky we blew the engine. We were less than ten miles from our destination, crawling up the last of the hard mountain climbs to our destination and that poor old bus engine gave up the fight. She was dead on the side of the road. She was not headed back to the Sunshine state without a new motor.

Four months later we finally got the call from the Kentucky mechanic who had finally finished installing the new engine. It became my task to fly to Kentucky and bring our bus home. I flew to the nearest airport, which was still a two-hour drive to where the mechanic’s shop was. Someone from a church there came and took me to a place in the hills of Kentucky where I would never be able to find again! It was around 5 pm or so before I got behind the wheel to begin my one-thousand-mile journey home.

The bus started up just fine and I was on my way. I pulled out, got on the road and was doing my best to navigate the curving back roads trying to find the nearest interstate. I probably was a hundred miles into my journey and I felt the steering get more and more stiff. I was not sure what was going on until I got near the last turn before getting on the interstate, and I missed the turn. Doing a U-turn in a fifty-foot vehicle is tough. Doing that U-turn with NO power steering is something else all-together! I had driven a car without power steering before, it was more difficult, but not that bad. It just took a lot more turning and a lot more muscle strength. Driving a bus without it is a whole different experience!

I eventually made it to Asheville, where I was planning to stop for the night. I do not exactly remember how I got the big old bus into the parking lot at the hotel after driving six hours with no power steering. When I stood up to get out of the bus, I felt like my arms must have looked like the cartoon character Popeye! I was so stiff and sore I was not sure if I could pick up my overnight bag and check in at the hotel desk. I thought that if I needed an injection that night that no needle would be able to penetrate my huge and stiffened shoulders! It really took more than I realized out of me that night.

So, I am a believer in power steering! What an incredible invention! I cannot imagine driving without it now. We all take it for granted. You know, I think Jesus is very similar. I remember the part of my life without Jesus, no power steering. I also remember the larger part of my life with Jesus, with power steering. Looking back, I would have never made it this far in life without Jesus giving me love, hope and direction. Life without Christ would have been like driving that beast of a bus without power steering. Sure, I could have made it through life ok…, maybe? But having Jesus as that source of power in my life sure has made everything so much better, and so much less difficult. The problems and challenges were just more manageable because of Jesus. Big arm muscles might be cool, but nothing compares to a rich life in Christ. Where does your power source come from? For many it is family, maybe it is a career or money. Someone else’s might be control over their life or someone else’s. I just know that my best life is when I am in sync with where God is leading me and when I am relying on Christ to get me there!

I do not recommend driving a bus without power steering! I do recommend a life trusting and relying on Jesus!

Pastor Richard

Room In The Inn

Sign up link :

We missed Room in the Inn last year, but it is back – with a few changes. We hope you will participate.

Per Roof Above’s guidelines, all neighbors participating in RITI who are 12 & up will have to show proof of vaccination to be assigned to a church. volunteers in the presence of our RITI neighbors must also be fully vaccinated. It’s how we love our neighbors in return of them being vaccinated.

We will be using a Sign Up Genius, ((click here to sign up), for all volunteers this year, look for the positions  marked [ALL]. Please understand that if we reach a week and we can’t fill all thevolunteer positions, we will inform Roof Above we won’t be able to continue to offer RITI at Advent on Monday nights for the rest of the 2021-22 season. If you need help signing up, please contact Megan at 704-287-6680.

We will need volunteers each Monday night for: Set up, Help in the kitchen to serve and clean up, Transportation Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, Provide Dinner, Hot To Go Breakfast& Bag Lunches, Pillow Treats, Underwear & T-shirt Distribution, Sleepover, Transportation of Laundry, Washing Blue Blankets, & morning clean up.

  • We will host 10 neighbors each week and as we have in years past we will welcome anyone assigned to us; men, women & children.
  • We will limit the number of people in the building so only those who sign up will be who we expect to be there.
  • We will have all volunteers sign in as you enter the gym, for contact tracing purposes.
  • We will not sit at the tables and join our neighbors for dinner and conversation. While everyone is eating and masks are off Roof Above suggests we not have social time, but after dinner when masks are back on — yes.
  • We will not offer a prayer service but will continue to put out prayer requests at the table.

Our church is also responsible for a women’s underwear drive. Underwear of all sizes is appreciated. Please put any donated underwear in the drawers in the room behind the sanctuary.

Thanks for your continued support of this mission.

What was the best Gift you’ve received?

What was the best gift you received this past Christmas? Was it an expensive present? Was it something that was very thoughtful from a friend who knows you well? A great friend of mine gave me two cozies that had the logo of one of my favorite hockey teams and I use them every chance I get! Maybe your best gift was a little more intangible, like a note from a loved one or maybe you were able to spend time with family you have not seen in a while. For me it was great spending time with my step brother and his family that we do not get to see very often.

Gifts come in all shapes, sizes and varieties. They can be acts of love and kindness. They can be unexpected presents and presence. Sometimes the greatest gifts are just gifts of your time. Gifts are great, they are meant to build up another person. Gifts tell us we mean something to someone else. They are so important, and they do not always have to be stuff.


Do you realize that God gives us gifts? Sure, He gives us the air we breathe, sunshine, and yes even snowy wintery weather that allows us to take a break! He meets our needs and gives us the greatest gift of all, His Son Jesus! Yes, God is a very generous giver, and we can learn so much by recognizing and thanking God for all His precious gifts.

There is even more. God gives special gifts to all who believe in Him, we call them spiritual gifts. These gifts are special in the fact that their whole purpose for us to use and build up God’s Kingdom. In other words, these gifts He gives us allows and equips us to help each other participate fully in living out God’s call in our lives. I know of two friends whose gift is generosity and they are such a blessing to so many people. Our pastors’ have gifts they use every Sunday morning. I have gifts that help me to work with children and teenagers.


You also have gifts and they are incredibly important. We are starting several groups in the church that are focusing on discovering and using your spiritual gifts. I would love to see you begin to explore or deepen that part of your walk with Christ. When we as a body begin to use our gifts, incredible things happen! We are given the opportunity to accomplish things for God that we have not even dreamed of yet. Even if you are not a part of our congregation, there are lots of resources out there that can help you begin to see those gifts God has given to you and wants you to use to shine for Him!

Next week I will tell a story of someone who had a gift and was very practiced at using it.


Pastor Richard

Christmas Eve

We invite you to join us for

Christmas Eve Worship, Dec. 24th

5:00 pm Worship around the Manger – A service for families with preschool aged children, this 30 minute services invites us into the story of Christmas in word and song that any age will enjoy. We share the Lord’s Supper together and lift the glowing light of God’s love to the world.


7:00 pm A Service of Candlelight and Communion – This traditional service of worship invites the whole family to hear and celebrate the Christmas Good News. We celebrate communion and sing with the Heavenly Hosts!

Nursery care is provided for those under 3.


11:00 pm Quite Candlelight Communion All the hubbub is stilled, children are tucked in bed, and the silence of this night descends. This quiet service invites you to ponder the mystery of this holy night as we hear the story and break bread together.

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Christmas Eve Offering

The Missions Committee has designated $2,500 toward the Christmas Eve offering.  Missions has challenge us to match these funds.

Niner United and Kentucky Tornado Recovery through the United Methodist Committee on Relief will be the recipients of this offering.

Why I Am a Stephen Minister

Pictured left to right:  Richard Smith, Kris Lomonaco, John Lomonaco, Roger Spittle, Pam Prentice, Dan Whipple, Shirley Luce, & Sandra Bilbro

I chose to become involved in Stephen Ministry because of my own life experience. When we were told that our 1st child had a nonsurvivable birth defect, the disbelief, pain, and feelings of isolation were overwhelming. Luckily, we were urged to join a support group that allowed me to share openly and truthfully about things that most people do not want to hear. Once others have helped you reach the other side of such dark places, you know God would not want you to sit silently while others suffer. Sometimes your most effective ministry comes out of your own deepest hurts.

– Kris Lomonaco

Stephen Ministry is a one on one opportunity to share the love express that love connecting with my “neighbor”.  When someone else is experiencing a difficult time, it allows me to let that person know how much they are valued by others, their church and Christ! In response to what Christ has given me…..Stephen Ministry!

– Roger Spittle

Stephen Ministry is aprovide high-quality, Jesus centered, confidential support for people who are hurting and need someone to talk to.  Having had a few friends in other churches who became Stephen Ministers, I knew this was an opportunity to serve the Lord by helping others. In 1998 I agreed to become a Stephen Minister. The commitment I made was for 1 year.  That commitment turned into 12 years of offering care to people who needed a shoulder to lean on while they sorted out their troubles. I was hooked. Now after a few years sabbatical, I am thrilled to be offered the same opportunity once again.  I loved watching my care receivers become stronger and readier to take on the world. We laughed, prayed, cried and hugged as we grew to love each other and what God was doing in our lives.

I am excited to be able to serve the Lord and some of His people in this capacity, once again.  We have all needed to talk with someone at one time or another, when our life has become troubled.  Many of us don’t ask for help.  We “suffer” in silence or burden our close family and friends.  Stephen Ministry offers the chance to talk to someone without judgement, and in strict confidence. Your caring Stephen Minister will not tell you what to do or not do. They will not try to fix what is wrong or broken. What they will do instead, is listen and reflect back what they’ve heard. They will walk with you as you figure what to do next in your life.  They will help you feel the presence of God when they pray for and with you.

I believe my gift is serving and helping others. I feel better when I can do something to help someone else.  Jesus said in Matthew 45:25 “Whatever you do for the least of these you do for me.”  By ‘least of these’ I see Jesus referring to His followers. Jesus also said to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  What better way to do that, than to serve as a Stephen Minister. If you need some loving care, because you see your world a little off balance, or crazy, don’t hesitate to ask for a Stephen Minister.  You do not need to walk a troubled path alone.

– Pam Prentice

I have been involved with Stephen Ministry before and am very pleased to see HUMC resurrecting this ministry.  People need people to connect with.  Especially people who are struggling.  The struggle might be: mourning the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, family issues or dealing with an illness. The list of struggles people deal with is endless.   Having someone who will listen in strict confidence, showing care for them and their struggle, brings healing.  Having someone to pray with, when they can’t find the words, brings healing.  Stephen Ministry is a way to wrap God’s arms around someone.

I choose to become involved in Stephen Ministry for that very purpose.  To show God’s love to people, especially when they are having difficulty seeing His love.   Stephen Ministry doesn’t solve problems, but it can support people through their journey through prayer, love and understanding.

– Shirley Luce

Stephen Ministry is an opportunity to take time to stop and listen. Everyone comes to a point (or more) in their life where they need a non-judgmental, sympathetic, attentive ear. Life was not meant to be weathered alone.  I’m excited about this ministry because it is a metaphorical “Open” sign for everyone to see. How do we show others we are there for them if we open our arms inside our own home? Support systems such as AA and Al Anon blossom from organization and offering public messages of uncompromising support. There will always be people who need care and support. I know that at some point in time I will be needing help like this. Most people are impacted by an event which drive them to take on a cause, I’m just being proactive about it.

– Dan Whipple


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4560 Hwy 49 S., Harrisburg, NC 28075
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(704) 455-2311

©  Harrisburg United Methodist