News & Events

Young Persons and Sunday School

School Begins Soon and We have a Place
for Your Young Person in Sunday School!!
August 25 is promotion Sunday, and that means we are gearing back up for regular Sunday school in the youth and children’s areas. We are excited for your young people to join us in Godly Play in the elementary-aged groups, for the 5 th and 6th  graders to be joining us for our Connect Sunday School Class in the Library, and the youth, grades 7 th  – 12 will be meeting in the youth room exploring a variety of topics and books in the Bible.
Our purpose in Sunday School is to do our part in providing basic education and understanding of our faith and all that it encompasses. It is an important piece of faith development and connection to the church. Another very significant piece of Sunday School is the connection of children and families to one another as a part of our connection to the body of believers and specifically the family of Harrisburg United Methodist Church. I want to invite all of you to come and join us in Sunday School, there is even an adult component and we definitely have a place for you!
A second and larger piece of helping your young person to develop a life long love and reliance on Jesus is you, the parent. You have the most influence on your children. You spend the most time with them and you have the most opportunity to help them grow and make faith decisions. We have a place for you too! Toni Ruth will be doing a parenting study in her class this fall, that will help equip you and encourage you as you raise your children. We also have a loving and caring community that will be there to support you when you need it. Come and join us in Sunday School and bring your whole family!
Pastor Richard
Questions contact Pastor Richard or
call 704-455-2311

So fun we’re doing it again

Rise Against Hunger

The Rise Against Hunger date has been set for May 6th  9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at HUMC

We’re looking forward to the upcoming Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event on <ay 6th. By packaging meals, you will have a positive impact on the lives of people in need worldwide.

Here are a few notes to help you prepare for your event:

  • Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
  • Rise Against Hunger strives to meet all food safety and quality guidelines. Please wear a baseball cap if you have one. If not, hairnets will be provided at the event.
  • Please leave watches and loose, dangling jewelry at home. Plain bands such as wedding bands are OK.
  • We ask that you do not attend if you have had a fever or intestinal illness 24 hours before the event.

Thank you for joining the movement to create a world with zero hunger — we’ll see you soon!

Every gift makes a difference in the lives of people facing food insecurity around the world.

Why I Am a Stephen Minister

Pictured left to right:  Richard Smith, Kris Lomonaco, John Lomonaco, Roger Spittle, Pam Prentice, Dan Whipple, Shirley Luce, & Sandra Bilbro

I chose to become involved in Stephen Ministry because of my own life experience. When we were told that our 1st child had a nonsurvivable birth defect, the disbelief, pain, and feelings of isolation were overwhelming. Luckily, we were urged to join a support group that allowed me to share openly and truthfully about things that most people do not want to hear. Once others have helped you reach the other side of such dark places, you know God would not want you to sit silently while others suffer. Sometimes your most effective ministry comes out of your own deepest hurts.

– Kris Lomonaco

Stephen Ministry is a one on one opportunity to share the love express that love connecting with my “neighbor”.  When someone else is experiencing a difficult time, it allows me to let that person know how much they are valued by others, their church and Christ! In response to what Christ has given me…..Stephen Ministry!

– Roger Spittle

Stephen Ministry is aprovide high-quality, Jesus centered, confidential support for people who are hurting and need someone to talk to.  Having had a few friends in other churches who became Stephen Ministers, I knew this was an opportunity to serve the Lord by helping others. In 1998 I agreed to become a Stephen Minister. The commitment I made was for 1 year.  That commitment turned into 12 years of offering care to people who needed a shoulder to lean on while they sorted out their troubles. I was hooked. Now after a few years sabbatical, I am thrilled to be offered the same opportunity once again.  I loved watching my care receivers become stronger and readier to take on the world. We laughed, prayed, cried and hugged as we grew to love each other and what God was doing in our lives.

I am excited to be able to serve the Lord and some of His people in this capacity, once again.  We have all needed to talk with someone at one time or another, when our life has become troubled.  Many of us don’t ask for help.  We “suffer” in silence or burden our close family and friends.  Stephen Ministry offers the chance to talk to someone without judgement, and in strict confidence. Your caring Stephen Minister will not tell you what to do or not do. They will not try to fix what is wrong or broken. What they will do instead, is listen and reflect back what they’ve heard. They will walk with you as you figure what to do next in your life.  They will help you feel the presence of God when they pray for and with you.

I believe my gift is serving and helping others. I feel better when I can do something to help someone else.  Jesus said in Matthew 45:25 “Whatever you do for the least of these you do for me.”  By ‘least of these’ I see Jesus referring to His followers. Jesus also said to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  What better way to do that, than to serve as a Stephen Minister. If you need some loving care, because you see your world a little off balance, or crazy, don’t hesitate to ask for a Stephen Minister.  You do not need to walk a troubled path alone.

– Pam Prentice

I have been involved with Stephen Ministry before and am very pleased to see HUMC resurrecting this ministry.  People need people to connect with.  Especially people who are struggling.  The struggle might be: mourning the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, family issues or dealing with an illness. The list of struggles people deal with is endless.   Having someone who will listen in strict confidence, showing care for them and their struggle, brings healing.  Having someone to pray with, when they can’t find the words, brings healing.  Stephen Ministry is a way to wrap God’s arms around someone.

I choose to become involved in Stephen Ministry for that very purpose.  To show God’s love to people, especially when they are having difficulty seeing His love.   Stephen Ministry doesn’t solve problems, but it can support people through their journey through prayer, love and understanding.

– Shirley Luce

Stephen Ministry is an opportunity to take time to stop and listen. Everyone comes to a point (or more) in their life where they need a non-judgmental, sympathetic, attentive ear. Life was not meant to be weathered alone.  I’m excited about this ministry because it is a metaphorical “Open” sign for everyone to see. How do we show others we are there for them if we open our arms inside our own home? Support systems such as AA and Al Anon blossom from organization and offering public messages of uncompromising support. There will always be people who need care and support. I know that at some point in time I will be needing help like this. Most people are impacted by an event which drive them to take on a cause, I’m just being proactive about it.

– Dan Whipple

A Taste of Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that will soon be taking place in our congregation.  Stephen Ministry equips and empowers lay caregivers – called Stephen Ministers – to provide high quality, confidential, Christ-Centered care to people who are hurting.  The best way to understand how Stephen Ministry works is to learn about three groups of people involved in this ministry: Stephen Leaders, Stephen Ministers, and care receivers.  Joins us on October 14th at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall for A Taste of Stephen Ministry.  Come learn about the benefits, structure, and opportunity available through a Stephen Ministry Program.

A Way Forward Conversation

A Conversation about The Commission on the Way Forward

The Commission on a Way Forward was proposed by the Council of Bishops and approved by the 2016 General Conference to do a complete examination and possible revision of every paragraph of the Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and explore options that help to maintain and strengthen the unity of the church.

You are invited to a church wide conversation on this important subject on Sunday, October 14th at 3:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Rev. Amy Coles, Assistant to the Bishop of Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, will join us to lead our learning and conversation on The Way Forward. Commission on a Way Forward worked diligently and prayerfully in 2017-2018 and sent their completed work to the Council of Bishops in early 2018. The reports have been translated and are available in preparation for a special session of the General Conference to be held in February 2019. You are invited to come hear where we have been as a denomination in regards to human sexuality and where we are headed as we prepare for the special session. The goal of this conversation is to cultivate fertile ground for continuing the conversation with each other, so we can hear God’s voice and listen to one another. You are encouraged to come with an open mind and heart to listen and learn. To learn more about the work of this Commission prior to our Conversation on October 14, please visit  Refreshments will be m provided and we expect to wrap up our session by 4:30.


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4560 Hwy 49 S., Harrisburg, NC 28075
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(704) 455-2311

©  Harrisburg United Methodist