Imagine a place you’re welcomed with open arms and friendly smiles. No matter where you’ve been or where you’re going, you can grow in your faith here.
We exist to connect people to God and each other. Because we’ve been given so much, we love giving back. Serving our neighbors in Harrisburg and the surrounding community not only helps us grow personally, but spiritually. Together, we can change lives.
4560 Hwy 49 S. Harrisburg,
28075United States+ Google Map
We invite you to join one or two! Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Class meets in Room 3 at 10 am Join us as we dive into “Faith as John Wesley Lived it” by Adam Hamilton On Feb. 25 we’ll begin a Lenten study: “24Hours that Changed the World” New Community Sunday School Meets in Room 3 at 10 am Starting a new study, great time to give Adult Sunday School a try Book title: Creed Considers, with us, important questions of life, reality,…